OUR FEATUREDProducts SomniPro TelemetrySleep, Neurosign AccessoriesAccessories LKC RETevalVision Nihon Kohden Neuromaster G1 PortableIOM, Nihon Kohden Neuromaster G1 DesktopIOM, TruScan NeurofeedbackNeurofeedback, DuoMag XTTMS, DuoMag MPTMS, SomniPro NeuroTabletSleep, TruScan Routine EEG DesktopEEG, OUR PRODUCTCategories EMGDiscover EMG tools for accurate muscle activity analysis. TMSDiscover TMS equipment for advanced brain stimulation therapy. SleepExplore polysomnography tools for comprehensive sleep disorder diagnosis. EEGExplore EEG products for precise brain activity monitoring. WHAT WE OFFERServices MaintenanceThe Neurogen team are fully trained by the equipment manufacturers to provide authorised service maintenance. SupportWe offer our customers above standard care in technical and information support. WHAT WE OFFERServices MaintenanceThe Neurogen team are fully trained by the equipment manufacturers to provide authorised service maintenance. SupportWe offer our customers above standard care in technical and information support. THE LATESTNews THE LATESTNews Introducing Technomed’s Laryngeal Electrodes RETeval: A Versatile Tool DEYMED Launch Their Official YouTube Channel Introducing Technomed’s Laryngeal Electrodes RETeval: A Versatile Tool DEYMED Launch Their Official YouTube Channel